Ok, so I’ve slacked off with my writing for the past few days because I had a couple of exams this week. However, I’ve got the plot for a short story figured out and hopefully that will appear on here by Friday or Saturday. I may actually sacrifice going out for a drink on Friday and sit in to write it, depending on how I’m feeling.

In other news, I found out that a poem I wrote for the Tower Poetry Prize got long-listed 🙂 Even though it didn’t place, I’m pretty happy about that because usually I can’t write to themes and at least it shows I’m progressing.

I promise you more reading material soon, sit tight!

I ♥ ?

June 10, 2011

Initials scrawled across the bus stop wall;
Declarations of passion, now rain-torn,
Question marks and kisses and promises
of always, forever led them to mourn
the expectations of a love still-born.

I watched the bricks painted virgin white,
then tattooed with bluebirds and dollhouses.
Beneath the layers lies faded kisses,
tiny black hearts with their tiny spouses,
their own house and jobs and ties and blouses.

From the hollow windows they watch each bus
pass by, under streetlights and sun shadows.
Maybe my own tiny black heart yearns for
the whitest emptiness. But what if it slows
and stops here? Would it stop forever; who knows?

(Took me a couple of days to find the right words for this one, still not happy with it, especially the last stanza :/)

P.S. Bet I had you all fooled with the title; you thought:  iT wAs GoiNG tO bE wRItTen LiKe ThIs xoxo smileyface ♥♥♥


P.P.S. Obviously the question mark stands for Banksy 😀

The Music Box

June 5, 2011

I put all my dreams into a silver box,
the kind that plucks out a clumsy motif
for a tiny dancer, fragile, moon-faced,
to spin in a gold-leaf circle eternal.

I glued the lid down with tears, watched the world
disintegrate into fragments of nights
spent grasping for someone, instead finding
dust motes drifting under hospital lights.

When I had nothing left, scarred hands opened
the lid of a tarnished silver box
to find the song silenced, the dancer dead,
but all the stardust dreams still intact.









(This needs revised sooo badly ;

Dead Heat

June 3, 2011

Numbers melt off the clock in this dead heat,
clouds dock between telephone wires
in a stagnant sky to watch the concrete
soften, steam and stick to car tyres.
Even the bluebottles admit defeat,
one last thud against burning glass.

The day dies as red as suburban brick,
midges swirl and swarm in the grass
as stars flicker and clocks begin to tick
towards midnight. A day passed
in non-existance; breaths wait static
to be inhaled again, like ghosts.

(Accidently liked my own post lol I’m so uncool)

Hello, World :)

May 31, 2011

Hello, random person who has stumbled across this blog. Now that you’re here I might as well explain what this is all about.

As you can probably tell by the title, I love words or more specifically I love writing words. Hopefully, by the end of summer 2011, I will have written enough words to comprise a novel. I plan to use this blog to make note of my progress and keep all my reference materials together as my laptop has a habit of crashing (don’t they all?).

Even though I won’t be giving you any details of the plot, characters and so on I hope that those who come across this blog will find it interesting. I’ll make it half-diary to keep you all hooked ;P

Anyway, you probably won’t see much life around here until the 25th June and onwards because I’m still doing exams T_T. However, I’m well into the planning stages at the moment so I’ll be posting useful websites to keep note of them.