I ♥ ?

June 10, 2011

Initials scrawled across the bus stop wall;
Declarations of passion, now rain-torn,
Question marks and kisses and promises
of always, forever led them to mourn
the expectations of a love still-born.

I watched the bricks painted virgin white,
then tattooed with bluebirds and dollhouses.
Beneath the layers lies faded kisses,
tiny black hearts with their tiny spouses,
their own house and jobs and ties and blouses.

From the hollow windows they watch each bus
pass by, under streetlights and sun shadows.
Maybe my own tiny black heart yearns for
the whitest emptiness. But what if it slows
and stops here? Would it stop forever; who knows?

(Took me a couple of days to find the right words for this one, still not happy with it, especially the last stanza :/)

P.S. Bet I had you all fooled with the title; you thought:  iT wAs GoiNG tO bE wRItTen LiKe ThIs xoxo smileyface ♥♥♥


P.P.S. Obviously the question mark stands for Banksy 😀